

Rashid Cruz/CDF
Floreana Finches "Flight Home": Q&A WITH PROF. SONIA KLEINDORFER

Behind the Floreana Finches "Flight Home": Q&A with biologist Professor Sonia Kleindorfer

Rashid Cruz/CDF
Floreana Finches "Flight Home": Q&A WITH PROF. SONIA KLEINDORFER

Behind the Floreana Finches "Flight Home": Q&A with biologist Professor Sonia Kleindorfer

Juan Manuel Garcia-CDF
Landbird conservation

It is estimated that 20% of the populations of small landbirds found on the Galapagos Islands are declining or have gone locally extinct. Our scientists work to ensure the long-term conservation of small Galapagos landbird populations for the health of the islands’ ecosystems at large.

Juan Manuel Garcia-CDF
Landbird conservation

It is estimated that 20% of the populations of small landbirds found on the Galapagos Islands are declining or have gone locally extinct. Our scientists work to ensure the long-term conservation of small Galapagos landbird populations for the health of the islands’ ecosystems at large.