

Paúl Mayorga-CDF
Urban and rural restoration

While a mere 3% of the Galapagos Islands are home to people, our presence in this small fraction of the archipelago has put the native vegetation at risk. Our restoration program in urban and rural areas engages the local community in conservation and restoration efforts to secure the long-term health of these unique ecosystems.

Wolf volcano erupts on Isabela Island

Wolf volcano erupts on Isabela Island

Juan Manuel Garcia-CDF
Public Library

Not just your average library, the CDF Library, Archive and Museum at our campus features three unique spaces dedicated to the management of knowledge and memory: written and audiovisual documents, archival materials, and archaeological and historical artifacts. There is something for everyone - from scientific to fictional, for the scientist or a student.

Juan Manuel Garcia-CDF
Education and Community Outreach

At the Charles Darwin Foundation, we believe that sustainable conservation depends on the involvement of the local community. Our goal is to inspire future generations of local conservation leaders, and embed conservation and sustainable development in the local culture.