

Juan Manuel Garcia-CDF

Since its inception in 1971, our Scholarship Program has enabled over 250 students from Galapagos to complete their education and pursue careers in conservation.

Stuart Banks-CDF
Fernandina’s volcanic eruption: Q&A with Volcanologist Dennis Geist

In an interview, renowned Galapagos volcanologist Dennis Geist tells us a bit more about the 2024 eruption and volcanic activity in Galapagos.

Stuart Banks-CDF
Fernandina’s volcanic eruption: Q&A with Volcanologist Dennis Geist

In an interview, renowned Galapagos volcanologist Dennis Geist tells us a bit more about the 2024 eruption and volcanic activity in Galapagos.

Carlos Espinosa/CDF
New Studies Offer Critical Insights into Conservation of Galapagos Giant Tortoises

Two groundbreaking studies led by Stephen Blake, Ph.D., assistant professor of biology at Saint Louis University and Sharon L. Deem, DVM, Director of Saint Louis Zoo Institute for Conservation Medicine, in collaboration with the Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) and teams of multidisciplinary scientists shed light on crucial aspects of the conservation of two critically endangered giant tortoise species endemic to the Island of Santa Cruz, Chelonoidis porteri and Chelonoidis donfaustoi. Both studies offer valuable insights into the challenges these emblematic species face and the strategies needed to ensure their survival in the face of potential future habitat alteration and climate change.

Carlos Espinosa/CDF
New Studies Offer Critical Insights into Conservation of Galapagos Giant Tortoises

Two groundbreaking studies led by Stephen Blake, Ph.D., assistant professor of biology at Saint Louis University and Sharon L. Deem, DVM, Director of Saint Louis Zoo Institute for Conservation Medicine, in collaboration with the Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) and teams of multidisciplinary scientists shed light on crucial aspects of the conservation of two critically endangered giant tortoise species endemic to the Island of Santa Cruz, Chelonoidis porteri and Chelonoidis donfaustoi. Both studies offer valuable insights into the challenges these emblematic species face and the strategies needed to ensure their survival in the face of potential future habitat alteration and climate change.