

Galapagos Atlas

Explore the first Atlas of Native and Invasives Species of the Galapagos Islands.

Heinke Jäger/CDF
Scalesia Forests in Santa Cruz could be gone in 20 years

Study reveals urgent need for large scale invasive species management to prevent extinction of endemic forest in the Galapagos Islands

Heinke Jäger/CDF
Scalesia Forests in Santa Cruz could be gone in 20 years

Study reveals urgent need for large scale invasive species management to prevent extinction of endemic forest in the Galapagos Islands

Heinke Jäger-CDF
Scalesia forest restoration

Scalesia forests once thrived on the Galapagos Islands, forming a unique humid ecosystem for plants, insects, giant tortoises and birds. Today, only 1% of the forests’ original distribution remains, with several endemic species, including the Scalesia themselves, struggling to survive. We are working to restore this important habitat and given the rapid rate of forest loss, it is a race against time.

Heinke Jäger-CDF
Scalesia forest restoration

Scalesia forests once thrived on the Galapagos Islands, forming a unique humid ecosystem for plants, insects, giant tortoises and birds. Today, only 1% of the forests’ original distribution remains, with several endemic species, including the Scalesia themselves, struggling to survive. We are working to restore this important habitat and given the rapid rate of forest loss, it is a race against time.

Carlos Espinosa-CDF
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By donating to the Charles Darwin Foundation and its Research Station, you are helping our scientists continue their research in order to better protect the unique animals and ecosystems of the Galapagos Islands.

CDF joins the Island-Ocean Connection Challenge

The CDF joins the Island-Ocean Connection Challenge to Implement Community-Based Monitoring and Safeguard Island Ecosystems

CDF joins the Island-Ocean Connection Challenge

The CDF joins the Island-Ocean Connection Challenge to Implement Community-Based Monitoring and Safeguard Island Ecosystems