

Juan Manuel Garcia-CDF
Landbird conservation

It is estimated that 20% of the populations of small landbirds found on the Galapagos Islands are declining or have gone locally extinct. Our scientists work to ensure the long-term conservation of small Galapagos landbird populations for the health of the islands’ ecosystems at large.

Plántulas de Lecocarpus lecocarpoides creciendo “en casa” de Patricia Jaramillo Díaz desde marzo a noviembre de 2020, durante la cuarentena por la pandemia por la Covid-19.
Andres Cruz
Microbiology arrived at the Galapagos Verde 2050 Program

Microbiology arrived at the Galapagos Verde 2050 program

Opuntio y las Invasoras

Engaging book for kids about invasive plant species in Galapagos.

Carlos Espinosa-CDF
Adopt a Galapagos Giant Tortoise

By adopting a Galapagos giant tortoise, you will contribute to our research and outreach activities related to various tortoise species. The Galapagos tortoises have become threatened largely due to habitat change and fragmentation, climate change, diseases, and introduced species. The Charles Darwin Foundation leads a multi-institutional project that aims to determine movement behavior, assess health, and describe the ecological role of tortoises in the Galapagos ecosystems.

Juan Manuel Garcia-CDF
Natural History Collections

The Charles Darwin Research Station is home to the largest Natural History Collections of endemic, native and introduced species of the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador. It is also one of the largest in the world with over 135,000 specimens from more than 7,500 species.

Get involved

By donating to the Charles Darwin Foundation and its Research Station, you are helping our scientists continue their research in order to better protect the unique animals and ecosystems of the Galapagos Islands.

Juan Manuel Garcia-CDF
Giant tortoise conservation

Giant tortoises are emblems of Galapagos. They are critical ecosystem engineers and they are also important for the local economy. Yet all 12 species of Galapagos Giant Tortoises are of conservation concern. Our work focuses on conserving these gentle giants through research and education.