

Stuart Banks-CDF
Fernandina’s volcanic eruption: Q&A with Volcanologist Dennis Geist

In an interview, renowned Galapagos volcanologist Dennis Geist tells us a bit more about the 2024 eruption and volcanic activity in Galapagos.

Rashid Cruz-CDF
Research Hub

For more than 60 years, the research undertaken at the Charles Darwin Foundation has focused on furthering our understanding of the natural systems, their relationship with those living in the archipelago, and the intricate and relationship with those living in the archipelago, and the intricate and delicate balance between climate, mankind, and nature. Major research efforts have also focused on the prevention, control, and eradication of invasive species to maintain Galapagos as one of the best-conserved archipelagos in the world.

Plántulas de Lecocarpus lecocarpoides creciendo “en casa” de Patricia Jaramillo Díaz desde marzo a noviembre de 2020, durante la cuarentena por la pandemia por la Covid-19.
Andres Cruz
Microbiology arrived at the Galapagos Verde 2050 Program

Microbiology arrived at the Galapagos Verde 2050 program

Andrés Cruz-CDF
CDF participates in the 12th annual meeting of the SPRFMO Commission in Manta

A scientific delegation from the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands participated in the 12th annual meeting of the Commission of the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organization (SPRFMO), which took place in Manta, Ecuador, between 29 January – 2 February 2024.