
60 years of Science in Galapagos

12 Feb 19 /

In 2019, the Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) celebrates its Diamond Anniversary. Since its creation on the 23rd of July 1959, it has produced thousands of scientific research results for the conservation of the archipelago and has provided advise to the Galapagos National Park Directorate among other Ecuadorian institutions with technical information for government decision-making.

"We are pleased to celebrate this milestone, thanks to the reliable work of our employees, scientists and volunteers, to the unconditional support of our donors and allies, and thanks to the Ecuadorian Government," said  Dr. Arturo Izurieta Valery, Director of the Charles Darwin Foundation.

Charles Darwin Foundation 1960 Staff
Charles Darwin Foundation 1960. Photo by: CDF stock.

CDF has consolidated its mission of providing knowledge and support through scientific research and complementary actions to ensure the conservation of the environment and biodiversity of the Galapagos Archipelago. Its Research Station opened its doors in 1964 and since its inception it has been the main base of scientific research on the islands.

In 2019 there are numerous activities planned to commemorate the 60th anniversary, one of them was a joint celebration with the Galapagos National Park Directorate (GNPD), which was held on Monday, February 11th, at the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Ecuador and was attended by Ministers, Ambassadors, representatives of governments working in Ecuador, members of its General Assembly and Board, private sector collaboratos, donors, NGO´s, among other important partners.

This event was possible thanks to the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Galapagos National Park Directorate and generous donations from Gabriela Sommerfeld, Quasar Nautica and Carmen Cabrera.

Charles Darwin Foundation´s 1970 Volunteers
Charles Darwin Foundation´s 1970 Volunteers. Photo from: CDF stock.

On February 12, in celebration of Darwin's Day (Birthday of Charles Darwin), the inauguration of a new interpretative space took place, Darwin´s corner in the Charles Darwin Research Station´s Exhibition Hall, in Galapagos.

On April, thanks to the support of National Geographic, a sculpture made of plastic collected in coastal cleanups with help of local students, and accompanied by a local education strategy will be presented to the local community and visitors, as part of complementary activities to the plastic free campaign on the islands.

In July a Sciences Symposium together with the Galapagos National Park will be held in Puerto Ayora, which will be attended by several national and international scientists, including Keynote Speakers, Peter and Rosemary Grant, who are world experts on evolution. In November the launch of a Galapagos film produced especially for the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Foundation will also take place. Developed by Nature Conservation Films, the movie will be presented in the Netherlands, UK, USA, mainland Ecuador and in the archipelago.

Another activity scheduled for this celebration is the Special Anniversary Open House for the community, to be held in July at the Charles Darwin Research Station in Galapagos. Among other activities, we will plant endemic species in the populated islands and several other events will be carried out.

The Charles Darwin Foundation is celebrating through the year, and we all hope you can be part of our 60th Anniversary.

Andres Cruz

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