

Rashid Cruz/CDF
Doña Pili's Legacy

26 Years of Commitment and Wisdom at the CDF

William Bensted-Smith-CDF
Marine biodiversity research

The introduction of alien species is arguably the most important driver of biodiversity loss for oceanic islands. Our work seeks to evaluate the effects of alien invasive species, climate change, and other anthropogenic pressures on the biodiversity of the Galapagos Marine Reserve and the Eastern Tropical Pacific in order to better sustain coastal communities and prevent marine species extinction.

Jordi Chias
Shark Ecology & Conservation

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Juan Manuel Garcia-CDF
Our campus

Inaugurated in 1964 as a base for scientists conducting their research on Galapagos, the Charles Darwin Research Station on Santa Cruz Island welcomes all visitors to discover how our scientific research and conservation actions ensure we safeguard one of the world’s most important natural treasures for future generations.

Joshua Vela
Control of the avian vampire fly

In a race against time, our scientists are working hard to find ways to control the avian vampire fly (Philornis downsi), an invasive parasitic fly that is affecting the survival of the unique small landbirds of the Galapagos Islands, including the iconic Darwin’s finches.