

Joshua Vela

Together, we can ensure that the Galapagos Islands remain a beacon of biodiversity and scientific inspiration. Donate today!

Galapagos Cook Book: Nuestras Raíces

Explore delicious recipes from sustainable agriculture in Galapagos.

Andres Cruz
About us

The Charles Darwin Foundation and its Research Station are the largest and oldest science and conservation organization in Galapagos, generating groundbreaking discoveries and effective conservation focused on protecting the unique biodiversity of the Galapagos Islands.

Rashid Cruz/CDF
Floreana Finches "Flight Home": Q&A WITH PROF. SONIA KLEINDORFER

Behind the Floreana Finches "Flight Home": Q&A with biologist Professor Sonia Kleindorfer

Joshua Vela
Our Donors

Meet the donors that are supporting the Charles Darwin Foundation's vital science and conservation work.

Juan Manuel Garcia-CDF
Our campus

Inaugurated in 1964 as a base for scientists conducting their research on Galapagos, the Charles Darwin Research Station on Santa Cruz Island welcomes all visitors to discover how our scientific research and conservation actions ensure we safeguard one of the world’s most important natural treasures for future generations.

CDF reveals its new mission and launches its 2022 Impact Report

The Charles Darwin Foundation reveals its new mission and launches its 2022 Impact Report during its 52nd General Assembly