

Paúl Mayorga-CDF
Urban and rural restoration

While a mere 3% of the Galapagos Islands are home to people, our presence in this small fraction of the archipelago has put the native vegetation at risk. Our restoration program in urban and rural areas engages the local community in conservation and restoration efforts to secure the long-term health of these unique ecosystems.

Get involved

By donating to the Charles Darwin Foundation and its Research Station, you are helping our scientists continue their research in order to better protect the unique animals and ecosystems of the Galapagos Islands.

Carlos Espinosa-CDF
Conservation of Galapagos Marine birds

Galapagos penguins, flightless cormorants, waved albatross, and flamingos are among the most iconic birds in Galapagos. Yet, these sentinel species are all classified as threatened on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List, and face continued risk of population decline.

Andres Cruz
About us

The Charles Darwin Foundation and its Research Station are the largest and oldest science and conservation organization in Galapagos, generating groundbreaking discoveries and effective conservation focused on protecting the unique biodiversity of the Galapagos Islands.