

Joshua Vela

Together, we can ensure that the Galapagos Islands remain a beacon of biodiversity and scientific inspiration. Donate today!

Andres Cruz
About us

The Charles Darwin Foundation and its Research Station are the largest and oldest science and conservation organization in Galapagos, generating groundbreaking discoveries and effective conservation focused on protecting the unique biodiversity of the Galapagos Islands.

CDF reveals its new mission and launches its 2022 Impact Report

The Charles Darwin Foundation reveals its new mission and launches its 2022 Impact Report during its 52nd General Assembly

Scientists Discover Pristine Deep-Sea Coral Reefs in the Galápagos Marine Reserve

Scientists have discovered extensive, ancient deep-sea coral reefs within the Galápagos Marine Reserve (GMR) – the first of their kind ever to be documented inside the marine protected area (MPA) since it was established in 1998. The first reef observed was found at 400-600m (1,310-1,970 feet) depth at the summit of a previously unmapped seamount in the central part of the archipelago and supports a breathtaking mix of deep marine life.