

Schmidt Ocean Institute
Academic Collaborations

Whether you're a scientist seeking to collaborate , a student aspiring to complete your graduate degree under our guidance, or a university looking to establish a semester abroad program in the Galapagos, the Charles Darwin Foundation is here to provide support.

Plántulas de Lecocarpus lecocarpoides creciendo “en casa” de Patricia Jaramillo Díaz desde marzo a noviembre de 2020, durante la cuarentena por la pandemia por la Covid-19.
Andres Cruz
Microbiology arrived at the Galapagos Verde 2050 Program

Microbiology arrived at the Galapagos Verde 2050 program

Carlos Espinosa
Sustainability for Conservation

While the Galapagos Islands remain one of the best-conserved destinations in the world, they are faced with numerous challenges that are derived from growth in tourism and local population. The Charles Darwin Foundation is investigating how sustainable practices across multiple sectors such as urban planning and energy can mitigate these impacts while enhancing local community well-being through the health of the islands' socio-ecosystems.

Heinke Jäger/CDF
Scalesia Forests in Santa Cruz could be gone in 20 years

Study reveals urgent need for large scale invasive species management to prevent extinction of endemic forest in the Galapagos Islands

Juan Manuel Garcia-CDF
Leave a Legacy

Join the Pristine Galapagos Society and become part of the history books of the Galapagos Islands