

Juan Manuel Garcia-CDF
Public Library

Not just your average library, the CDF Library, Archive and Museum at our campus features three unique spaces dedicated to the management of knowledge and memory: written and audiovisual documents, archival materials, and archaeological and historical artifacts. There is something for everyone - from scientific to fictional, for the scientist or a student.

Juan Manuel Garcia-CDF
Giant tortoise conservation

Giant tortoises are emblems of Galapagos. They are critical ecosystem engineers and they are also important for the local economy. Yet all 12 species of Galapagos Giant Tortoises are of conservation concern. Our work focuses on conserving these gentle giants through research and education.

Heinke Jäger-CDF
Scalesia forest restoration

Scalesia forests once thrived on the Galapagos Islands, forming a unique humid ecosystem for plants, insects, giant tortoises and birds. Today, only 1% of the forests’ original distribution remains, with several endemic species, including the Scalesia themselves, struggling to survive. We are working to restore this important habitat and given the rapid rate of forest loss, it is a race against time.