

Juan Manuel Garcia-CDF
Our campus

Inaugurated in 1964 as a base for scientists conducting their research on Galapagos, the Charles Darwin Research Station on Santa Cruz Island welcomes all visitors to discover how our scientific research and conservation actions ensure we safeguard one of the world’s most important natural treasures for future generations.

Carlos Espinosa-CDF
Fundraise for Us

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Squat lobsters guide scientists to new hydrothermal vent field

Scientists on a Schmidt Ocean Institute expedition have discovered a new hydrothermal vent field larger than a professional soccer field. The vent field found in the Pacific Ocean off the Western Galápagos Islands consists of five geyser-like chimneys and three hot springs, like those you might see in Yellowstone.

Galapagos Cook Book: Nuestras Raíces

Explore delicious recipes from sustainable agriculture in Galapagos.
