Ronnie Stewart
Member of the Board
Ronald. P. Stewart, along with his wife, Jayme, founded York Preparatory School in New York City. Prior to starting York Prep, Mr. Stewart practiced as a barrister in London. While successful as a barrister, Ronnie partnered with Jayme to pursue their joint dream of starting a school that would support and challenge its students to succeed at their highest level. In June 2023, after 54 years, Mr. Stewart retired as Head of York Prep.
From 1984 on, the Stewart family came to the Galapagos Islands every year for over a decade. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart credit these trips as changing the course of their children’s future. Their son, Tripp Stewart is a veterinarian and real estate entrepreneur. Mallory Stewart is Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Arms Control, Deterrence, and Verification at the State Department. Gillian Stewart is a Professor of Marine Biology at Queens College, City University of New York.
Mr. Stewart is a member of the Dean’s Council of Weill Cornell Hospital and has been a member of a number of educational Boards including Macaulay Honors College of the City University of New York. He was a regular speaker in the Klingenstein Program at Teacher’s College, Columbia University.