Written in collaboration with Daniela Vilema.
For the first time in the islands two individuals of the species Chilean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis) were registered in the Galapagos Islands, on October 17 and 29, 2015 by Tui De Roy, and on July 14, 2016 by Luis Die Dejean. These were recorded in the Laguna de Punta Cormoran, Isla Floreana. It is thought that they were possibly the same individuals observed.
Chilean (or Australian) flamingos nest in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Uruguay and Paraguay, but has also been recorded in southern Brazil, the Malvinas Islands and Ecuador. It lives in areas of lagoons, estuaries or mouths of rivers. Unlike the Galapagos flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber glyphorhynchus), the individuals of this species are taller, have a pale coloration, the color of the beak is different and the color of the tarsal joint is dark. This species is in the “Minor Concern” category on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. In the Bird list for the Galapagos Islands, it has been included in the category of "Wanderer", which means that it is a species that is recorded rarely or occasionally in Galapagos, that have arrived at the islands on their own and that they do not come to reproduce.
Dr. Gustavo Jimenez of the CDF identified the species and its confirmation was given thanks to the “Altoandino Flamingos Conservation Group” in its form in English - (Arango F., Derlindati E., Ortiz, E., Rocha O.), who have worked for many years with it in several countries.