
2020 Annual Report highlights the support provided during the COVID19 health emergency

27 Jan 22 /

A year of challenges is summarized in our annual report 2020 that we have prepared for our readers. Challenges that, thanks to the commitment of all of us at the Charles Darwin Foundation, we were able to overcome. We cannot deny that the COVID19 pandemic hit us all, however, we were able to face it and get involved in actions to support citizens and local authorities.

This annual report is focused on accounting for a difficult year and thanking our donors, staff, volunteers and all those who make the work of the Research Station possible to protect these enchanted islands.

2020 Annual Report

Each year in our Annual Report we present an overview of some of the projects implemented by the Charles Darwin Foundation in Galapagos. However, due to the health emergency that the country and the world experienced, the 2020 report focuses on the support provided by the CDF to society, with the aim of helping to mitigate the critical situation we faced in the islands. To this end, we joined the local authorities with donations of much-needed food and medical supplies.

With minimal operation at our Research Station, as our staff went home to work, we kept under control the key areas whose activities could not be left undone. Our scientists had to suspend their field trips but took advantage of this time to analyze data and write publications. Our Community Education and Outreach Program (ECO Program) team also adapted to offer our science club members, the Tibu Ambassadors, activities from home.

We invite you to read our 2020 Annual Report and learn about how we are addressing the pandemic while continuing scientific efforts for the conservation of our heritage.


Protect Galapagos, Impact the World

The impact you make on this small ecosystem of enormous biodiversity is part of a larger footprint you are leaving for the world's future. Join us on our mission to safeguard one of our planet’s most important natural treasures through science and conservation action by making a donation today. Thank you for making an impact with us.