

Andres Cruz
About us

The Charles Darwin Foundation and its Research Station are the largest and oldest science and conservation organization in Galapagos, generating groundbreaking discoveries and effective conservation focused on protecting the unique biodiversity of the Galapagos Islands.

CDF reveals its new mission and launches its 2022 Impact Report

The Charles Darwin Foundation reveals its new mission and launches its 2022 Impact Report during its 52nd General Assembly


Explore a wealth of resources from the Charles Darwin Foundation available for download. From annual reports to research journals, species identification guides to educational texts like the Galapagos Atlas, our publications provide valuable insights into conservation efforts and biodiversity in the Galapagos Islands. Dive into our comprehensive collection today!

Esteban Barrera
Sustainable Fisheries

The artisanal fishing sector is vital to the Galapagos Islands, but it is facing increasing challenges such as climate change, unfair value chains, and over-exploitation. Our program seeks to create a more prosperous, autonomous, and fair seafood system that is respectful of the natural environment, and fosters resilience against environmental, socio-economic, and climate change.