Galapagos Workshop

Meet our team

Meet the men and women who make the magic happen at the Charles Darwin Foundation and its Research Station.

Meet our team

Nicolás Velasco


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Nicolás Zapata

Social Scientist Junior

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Oliver Gallegos

Responsible for Procurement and Acquisitions

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Oskar Cortéz

Junior Support Technician

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Paola Lahuatte


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Patricia Jaramillo Díaz

Principal Investigator - Galapagos Verde 2050

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Paulina Naranjo

Communications Officer in the "Habla Tiburon" project

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Paulina Sepa Egas

Curator of the Marine Collection

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Paúl León

Geospatial Analyst

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Paúl Mayorga

Technical Assistant

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Pedro Gómez

Field Assistant

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Pelayo Salinas de León

Co-Principal Investigator - Shark Ecology & Conservation

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Phil van Haarlem

Chief Financial Officer

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Rakan Zahawi

Executive Director and CEO

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Rashid Cruz

Assistant Audiovisual Production Administrator

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Renato Freire

IT Assistant

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Renee Monroe

Senior Director U.S. Fundraising

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Romina Cahuana

Environmental Education Assistant

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Rosita Calderón Barrera


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Roxana Bazurto

Warehouse Manager

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Sarah Ryan Enright

Ocean Governance Researcher

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Saúl Aguirre


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Sergio Zamora

Junior Promoter

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Simon McKinley

Junior Spatial Ecologist – Habla Tiburón project

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Andres Cruz

Protect Galapagos, Impact the World

The impact you make on this small ecosystem of enormous biodiversity is part of a larger footprint you are leaving for the world's future. Join us on our mission to safeguard one of our planet’s most important natural treasures through science and conservation action by making a donation today. Thank you for making an impact with us.