Galapagos Workshop

Meet our team

Meet the men and women who make the magic happen at the Charles Darwin Foundation and its Research Station.

Meet our team

Gustavo Jiménez Uzcátegui

Principal Investigator - Marine Bird Conservation

Heinke Jäger

Principal Investigator - Scalesia Forest Restoration, Landscape Ecological Monitoring

Inti Keith

Principal Investigator - Marine Biodiversity Research

Jacqueline Rodríguez


Javier Cabrera


Jim Boyle

Chief Development Officer

Joan Villa

Responsible for Accommodation and Events

Johanna Carrión

Interinstitutional Affairs Director

Johny Mazón

Junior Researcher

Jonathan Vargas

Maintenance Assistant

Jorge Ramírez

Co-Principal Investigator - Sustainable Fisheries

Joselyn Grijalva

Environmental Educator - Isabela Island

Joselyn Yar

Research Assistant

Juan Barreno


Juan Carlos Limones

Maintenance Manager

Juan Carlos Romero

Project Manager

Julio Delgado

Operations Coordinator

Justine Villalba

CDS Herbarium Assistant

Karen Vera


Karina Peñafiel

Promotion Assistant

Katty Coquinche

Environmental Educator - San Cristóbal Island

Lenyn Betancourt


Leslie León

Communications Officer

Lilia Cunalata

General Accountant

Andres Cruz

Protect Galapagos, Impact the World

The impact you make on this small ecosystem of enormous biodiversity is part of a larger footprint you are leaving for the world's future. Join us on our mission to safeguard one of our planet’s most important natural treasures through science and conservation action by making a donation today. Thank you for making an impact with us.