Written in collaboration with Jose Marin.
he Galapagos martin (Progne modesta) is an endemic species, which means it is only found on the archipelago. Due to its low numbers, it is categorized as an endangered species by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). However, very little is known about its biology and natural history, including information about threats to its conservation.

´It’s not only worrisome that the fly parasitizes this bird, but also surprising that the fly is able to find nests and survive in extreme conditions, such as those of a crack in a cliff by the sea.”
— Juan Manuel
Que son los otolitos?
It is a priority for the Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) and the Galapagos National Park Directorate (GNPD) to determine if this bird is affected by the invasive fly, Philornis downsi, one of the biggest threats to landbirds of the archipelago. Currently, the fly is threatening 18 species of endemic landbirds and one native bird, since its larvae feed on the blood of chicks and can cause their death.
Documentacion extra
Documento oficilal para el majejosisioda osf